Hi guys,
I trashed my 15 year old Forrest WW-II a couple months ago. I'm still sick about it and I'm not ready to drop $125 for a new one. (In denial and being hardheaded. I haven't touched that saw in 2 mos.) I have had good service from a BORG Freud Diablo Rip Blade. I'm going to buy a 40 tooth Diablo for $30 to get me moving again. I prefer a thin kerf blade - it's a 1 1/2 HP Contractor Saw. But all they have at my local BORG is a 40 tooth "ultra thin kerf", which according to their packaging is thinner than regular thin kerf.

Question: I used a 5" stiffener on my thin kerf WW-II (it came with it). This new Diablo has several S-shaped laser-cut "stabilizer vents" and the stiffener may overlap. I don't know if that matters, but thought I'd ask you gurus. Is there any reason I shouldn't use this stiffener with the new Diablo blade?

Thank you.