Both my HF mini lathes have now bit the dust because of the belts shredding. I tried all the methods I got off the internet to push the spindle free so I could change the belt but no go. So I salvaged the motors and consigned the rest to the trash heap. I am looking at the Jet because that's about my spending limit. I'm asking questions because it too is an Oriental machine. It seems that the belts in question were cheap and the Lathe was a Jet clone. The belts were an amber color, thinner than they were wide, with string embedded in them.

At one time the Jet was very popular, I wonder if it still is? Is the belt a good quality rubber like the belts you see advertised for lawnmowers and such or is it like the HF belts?

Oh, and regarding the Delta Midi Lathe: I'm told it has an automatic tensioner for the belt. Would this Lathe be better than the Jet?
