My 1000 square foot hobby shop is currently being serviced by an old G1028 single stage dust collector. The DC is plumbed into a corner of the shop and is not moveable. The bag has been replaced with an oversized 4 micron bag (I think that is what I replaced the original 30 micron bag with). I have the same material making up a sleeve from the ring to a 30 gallon garbage can. This system seems to work well for larger chips but I'm finding that even running an overhead air filter I'm still getting exposed to too much fine dust. The dust has totally coated the entire shop and every surface inside. Worse yet are my sinus problems are getting significantly worse.

I've looked at getting a better filter for the DC however that still leaves me with the fabric sleeve connecting to the garbage can. I believe that the sleeve would continue to pump fine dust into my workspace. Moving the DC outside, or enclosing it doesn't seem to be a workable solution. Anything else I should try?

As an alternate I've been looking at the Laguna P/Flux 2HP HEPA Cyclone DC. They are darn expensive but have some really neat features that I like. Does anyone have one of these and what is the opinion on them?