Good old hand translated martin manuals. I have a few with white out over words, pictures cut out and glued in etc.

Too many times I witness the blind dissasmbly of a machine, just because and it either take years to put back together or get hung up on something that could have been sorted before making one piece into 500.

I would set it up, clean, adjust, take inventory of all the little things that need attention or repaired and go from there. These are big saws with lots of parts.

I dont like a paint job just for a paint job. You only get the natural wear and patina once on a machine.

I have a 30" buss planer that is my user, original paint, but it is worn off tops of the frame so much the castings are almost polished, the top of motor is worn shiny from lumber being slid across it. I wanted to paint it, but I can just picture all the lumber slid across it, guys leaning on it shooting the breeze, etc. and cant bring myself to do it. It runs like a dream.