A search on the underlying question here gave me equivocal results, so here's another band saw blade question.......

I am a proponent of Michael Fortune's band saw philosophy: K-I-S-S. I last ordered bands in 2010 - 1/2" 3 TPI skip (Starrett Woodpecker), from BC, his favorite supplier, and just trashed my next to last re-purposing an old (very!) birch slab (hidden nails, and no, I don't have a metal detector.....). I went on line to order more (weekend - no phone contact) and it appears that BC was acquired by someone else and I can find no link on the website for band purchase. I need a custom length - 131.5": Grizzly GO513X2B - Looking on line, lots of links to Timberwolf, Wood Slicer, Lennox, etc, a few for custom length welders whose name I don't recognize......

Anyways, who do you all patronize for custom length bands? Preferably Starrett. Looking for good welds, fast and courteous service and possibly sharpening service. And is there any good reason to move on from simple, inexpensive 1/2" 3 TPI skip? In other words, has technology passed me by in the last 8 years?

I don't resaw a whole lot, but may do more in the future.......

