We have a customer that we have been CNC'ing a lot of parts for that is now asking about having vinyl masking cut as part of a larger order that would include shop made/assembled parts that would be packaged with a roll of vinyl mask (the mask would have to be cut through the mask leaving the backer, mask to be weeded by the end user). To date the bit of mask cutting we have been doing is with a drag knife on the CNC because its rare and when we need to its usually a larger cutout. Im thinking of jumping off on an 18" or 24" plotter type cutter but honestly am in no-mans-land with regards to the whole thing and the internet is a boggy swamp for research by the looks.

Anyone care to give me some input on options that will see some use for a period and then may sit for a while. I dont have any desire to bring in a machine that will fight me from day one but I also dont need a machine thats going to cut a mile of material every day.
