You can laugh at me. I decided to do a make a picture frame and waste some lacquer on it as I learned. I have a Fugi turbine with a gravity feed gun. I got started on a large piece of ply and experimented and then got out the frame. It was a disaster with uneven coatings followed by drips out of the top of the gun. I sanded it all down and experimented again today. I was getting some bubbles, so I turned down the air to about 1/2 open position and that seemed to get rid of the bubbles. I sprayed a piece of scrap wood that matched the frame and thought it was good enough. Once again I try the frame and it seemed to be very good. I decided to turn the gun and get the inside vertical edges of the frames and outside edges and then got the drips again. I forgot to keep the cup in the vertical position (I guess). I will sand it back down and do it again tomorrow. Any advice appreciated.