Quote Originally Posted by Andrew Seemann View Post
I do occasionally use my brace and bit sets, not often, but enough to keep them handy. Never cared for eggbeater drills, they just seemed like a lot of work. Both the cordless drill and driver get used the most. They probably are my most used tools overall, but I don't exclusively do the neanderthal thing; I don't have the time (or desire) to be hand tool only. I do use push drills fairly often, they are quite handy when you need to do small holes and the weight of the cordless is inconvient.

As far as cordless drills and drivers go, especially now with the lightweight quick charge LIon batteries, they are the greatest thing to woodworking and tools in general since they figured out how to put the beer on the inside of the can

We can pretend otherwise, but remembering back to having to drill multiple out of position holes by hand or with a heavy corded drill (with no brake), there is no way I would want to go back. Fiddling in the shop with hand tools is fun and a luxury for most, but not always an efficient way to do things timely.
I agree with this. Back in 08 when my house in Cedar Rapids was flooded and I literally lost everything that I could not throw in my truck in 30 minutes (mostly some cloths, guns, and few heirlooms) the first purchase I made afterwards was a dewalt cordless drill/driver combo. It is far from my most cherished or favorite tool, but if I had to start from square 1 tomorrow it would still be the first thing I buy.