14 May 2018

The Daughter and her husband have a buyer for their house. What that means for me is that I loose a wonderful neighbor and they will be further away from us than we'd hoped. It also means that I've been very busy helping them with home repairs and such as they are supposed to close this week if all goes well. My hope is that I will have everything finished by Wednesday night of this week.
My new bench grinder motor finally came in but I've had zero time to work on getting it all setup. I go oncall today so it looks more like this coming weekend before I can get started on the new setup. We celebrated Mother's Day here yesterday and it was a good time for all of us. Family is very important to us and we do our best to try and provide a safe and wonderful place for all to come and enjoy each other while here. While that can be a challenge at times, most of the time all goes very well and we all enjoy the time with each other.

That's it for me, so what did YOU do this past week?

Best of weeks to you all.