Toss it, or design opportunity?

This piece of sycamore started out 24" wide on the end in the other pic below. Cut the corners off and mounted on a face plate. Got it to what you see here.
I turned away lots of wood, and as you can see the tenon area has holes as well as the bottom. I think there is enough wood to turn off most of the holes, I hope! [I actually found one worm/larvae nearly 4" long in the thing! ] and then make a more shallow platter type vessel. Do you think its worth it?
Me & this sycamore tree don't have a good history, as the last large piece I turned from it had a chunk come off it and hit me in the faceshield! [about 3 years ago, maybe 3 1/2]
As it is in this roughout state, it is right at 18" diameter.

IMG_g1058.jpg IMG_g1055.jpg The blank was certainly unbalanced, and the G0800 did a good job with it. My floor is an issue with vibration, as it is 3/4" plywood over 2x4 joists, and that sits on top of a gravel pad. My shop is a 14x20 utility shed.

The G0800 has torque to spare with the low rpms needed when getting this blank to round!