New guy here.

My son purchased a 30w Chinese fiber laser and is having a great time figuring out the nuances of it.

He's lasered various things around the house just to get a feel for settings, etc.

But he (and I ... and I have many years experience programming CNC, co2 lasers, etc.) is flumoxed by some of the hatch settings (EZCAD2).

It seems that the laser will repeat a hatching process endlessly, without stopping, unless manually stopped.

He's tried a zillion hatch settings and imports, using ezcad to create text and laser directly, imports from Inkscape, Corel, Illustrator, etc.

If he doesn't hatch text, it does what is expected, runs once or as many times the loop is set for.

Add a hatch, and the thing will run til it is manually stopped.

Any ideas.

Thanks and best regards,

Mike Tiehen
Omaha, NE USA