My wife and I stopped by the gallery today while downtown. While there, I noticed one of my largest bowls was gone off the shelf; a spalted maple bowl about 18" diameter. Turns out it sold on this black Friday.

I also noticed that the gallery had taken my small "calabash collection" of three different size/woods calabash bowls and moved them from near the register area, to the shelf unit where most of my turnings are displayed.

Sales have been decent in recent weeks, so I told my wife that I need to get busy replacing the items sold, as I don't like thin looking shelves.

Got home from errands and headed to the shop, where I had an ash bowl on the lathe, being worked on. Began to finish turn the thing, and wouldn't you know it, a chunk of it broke out near the rim where the pit would have been if it had been left on the blank [it wasn't]

So I chucked up a piece of cherry to make a natural edge bowl, and roughed it out. Went to the back side of the lathe to get my 5 gallon bucket of denatured alcohol for a DNA soak to speed the drying process. [haven't used it in over a year and had about 3 gallons in it last time I soaked something in it.

The bucket lid has a rubber seal, and it is one of those Lowes silver colored 5 gal. buckets.
Well, the thing was almost completely empty...only a smidgen in the bottom! I guess that DNA evaporates more quickly than I ever thought!

Anyone else experienced DNA just evaporating away like that? Any suggestions on a better way to store it when not in use? That stuff gets a bit pricey!