Joey - Another also..If you use SYP for the top, keep in mind it is typically dried to only 19% when it leaves the kiln, BUT... I have found stuff sitting in the yard seems to acclimate quickly, cause I seem to find it often around 11% where I live.

Now, keep in mind in my case I am talking a higher grade of 3/4, not 1 1/2 like you would be using, so it may not sell/turnover as fast.

And, if you ARE using 2x construction lumber, it is more probably called "SPF" - a mix of Spruce, Somekinda Pine, and Somekinda Fir, so the hardness varies.

That stuff I would assume will be closer to 19%, so you definitely need to account for the shrinkage.

Please put your location so it shows under your name - As extremes.. Dry AZ will make your top shrink more than wet New Orleans.

Bottom line, even though the entire thread has valid pertinent info, don't get deflated by it.

But I would seriously consider not gluing up the top. Marc