I recently went over 32 yrs on active duty in the Air Force and thought I would share. I joined planning to get a degree and move on. I quickly found I loved this life, the people I worked with and being able to serve this great country of ours. I kept saying I would retire at a certain time, but kept finding something new to keep me wanting to stay. The latest was the chance to come back to Europe. My wife and I love to travel. And now I'm taking one more assignment simply because my choice was to stay where I wanted to or to have to find a job for another few years before I retire for good. Thankfully the AF let me stay for another 3 yrs and doing something I want to do.

Throughout the years I've had numerous people thank me for my service. It always made me feel a bit weird. What do you say to someone thanking you for doing something that is exactly what you want to do? It's like thanking me for eating a bowl of ice cream (which I also love). There was always that awkward moment of what do I say. Yes there are hardships. Long hours, time away from family (sometimes for over a year) and we have to move every 2-4 yrs. Sometimes to places we may not want to go such as a warm sandy place in a far-away desert. Moving from the states to overseas or back means going without pretty much all of your household goods for at least 4 months while living out of suitcase, not to mention showing up somewhere without a house and having to find one in a matter of weeks...all part of the joy. But I've come to appreciate the gesture of a simple thank you. Not just for me, but for my family. I love what I do and to some degree they enjoy moving around, but it is hardship for my wife and kids to uproot from friends and the things they come to enjoy. The kids obviously have no choice, but they never complain about moving. Maybe because it's just the norm for them. I've overcome the awkward feeling when someone thanks me, by thanking them back and letting them know I appreciate the gesture. It makes me feel good and I hope it makes them feel good as well.

I look forward to another wonderful 3 yrs as I move back to the states in few a months. It will be nice being able to understand the language, read menus and most important...have parking spots that my car actually fits in And of course, a workshop that's not in a cellar.

So from me to everyone out there, thank you for letting me serve you for all these years. It has been pleasure.