I got my C/flux 1 assembled today. I have to pick up a tube of silicone tomorrow for the drum seams. The drum comes in 5 pieces, the bottom and 4 side pieces, and gets assembled with sheet metal screws. All the seams need to be siliconed and I didn't have any on hand.
Assembly went well and everything fit together nicely. The directions could have been a little better and a couple steps were incorrect as far as I could tell. I'll run it on 110v as soon as the silicone cures, I had to order a switch before I can convert it to 220v. They could have mentioned in the advertising that to run the c/flux 1 required an optional 220 switch. I incorrectly assumed it would be nothing more than rewiring the motor.

Robert - my manual is in the basement but tomorrow I'll post which steps in the directions I had issues with so you can watch for it.