I saw a used router, ELU 2721, for sale for $26. Looked good and solid, so I bought it. Turns out it has a 1/2" collet. All my bits are 1/4" (because my old router takes 1/4 bits).

IMAG0631.jpgI think Black & Decker took over ELU and offered a similar-looking router with same model number. I can spend $38 for a 1/4" collet that might fit, or $25.50 for a DeWalt that might fit.

I see shank reducers for about $13, but I'm not sure how well they work.

So my options are
Start a collection of 1/2" bits.
To buy the 1/4" collet that I hope will fit.
But a shank reducer for about $13.50.
To write off the $26 I spent for the ELU.

Any suggestions?