I'm hoping that someone here can give me some help with this finishing issue. I have been wrestling with it for 2 days and cannot seem to find the culprit. The finish is Target Superclear 9000 WB Poly. The equipment is Fuji Q4 Pro with XT Gun. I sprayed it on 2 small sets of upper cabinets and it was fine. Then I built the base cabinet and started to spray the drawer faces and this is what(picture below) I am getting. I ordered fresh product after cleaning gun multiple times did not resolve issue. While waiting on finish to get here, I sanded the drawer faces back to fresh wood. I sanded with Festool sandpaper. I wiped down with 50/50 DNA/water mix after sanding. So today after receiving new finish, I stirred it up, sprayed and got the EXACT SAME ISSUE again. Dimples/fish eyes/craters....whatever you want to call them. It looks likethe finish is spreading away from a small spot.
When I say I cleaned the gun.... I took it apart and cleaned off all parts with water and then DNA.
Oh, and I called Jeff at Target and he thinks it's contamination. I explained about my process and he seemed to agree that I was following correct process. I later called Fuji and they had no suggestions as to problem other than "clean the gun real good".
I cannot figure out what the culprit is that's causing this.........as you can tell.
Any suggestions, thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


Finish Issue.jpg