Hello everyone,
I have been having a hard time finding information out about laser systems. I want to purchase one, but I have a requirement that is giving me a hard time to find one to accommodate it. Right now I have a product that is on a 1x10 board. But the board is 70 inches long. I need the system to burn lines, letters, and numbers along the board. Is anyone aware of a laser system that either the sides open up so you can pass the board through and burn sections? Or can I modify a system myself to allow this to work? I know these systems are pretty expensive, but I am willing to invest in one. I appreciate any info.

Also, many of you helped me with advice on building a farm table on another thread. I had finished the table and my wife and I both love it. It turned out great! I tried to load pictures so everyone could see but it tells me the pictures are too big. If I can figure it out, I will load them. Thanks!
