Hi all. I found a guy selling about fifteen bandsaws from his company on CL, and decided to get myself a 14" bandsaw to share the garage with my Delta 768 10" saw. The price was $150, and he said that they used them to cut metal and concrete block. There was a lot of dust inside, but it just brushed off, which matches with what the former owner told me about regularly cleaning them so that they held up to the demands of commercial use.

Anyway, the plate that states the specs is all scratched, and the serial number plate has been painted over, so I cannot figure out the vintage or specs of the saw. I am assuming it is a more recent vintage, but want to get your thoughts on trying to identify the model and specs. Also, any thoughts for removing the paint from the serial number plate without damaging the plate will be appreciated. I was think Goop-Off, but not sure.