Germ Sh_Sit 28 Red.jpegGerm Sh_Sit 18 Red.jpegGerm Sh_Sit 17 Red.jpegGerm Sh_Sit 10 Red.jpeg

Here is my latest. This is a German Shepherd in a sitting pose. The collar in this case was something that really was part of the pet according to the owner. Something made me ask about the collar when the owner sent me the photos that I use to work from for each of these carvings that I end up posting. The owner responded back that I could do as I pleased. But he then added that the collar was the dog's security blanket. Well I really did not think that left a choice and I carved in the collar in this case. The collar does have an effect on the dog's coat right at the neck. So I had to deal with that once I was committed to the collar itself. I can do them either way. Sort of depends on that speaks to the pets owner.

One thing I like about the Shep as a subject is the degree of coat color variation you find in one animal. This guy goes from black/grey, through some light tan mid-tones to white. So there was plenty to keep me busy dealing with his coloration and finishing.

Hope you guys enjoy him.