Hey everyone, I have been testing out engraving glass and using my rotary attachment and I thought I was getting pretty good results:

(Sorry for the dark lighting, it was the only way I could get any detail of the engraving in the photo).

I wash one of the glasses like a normal glass (dish soap and a sponge with a green scrubber side) and after drying and everything it looks like this: 20160223_192223.jpg

It looks and feels as though some of the glass came loose or something during washing. I then used some steel wool but that only worsened the effect.

I am engraving with my china 500x300 "50w" ebay machine at 300mm/sec. 45% power and using my rotary attachment (which I will be figuring out how to get that to rotate the proper distance for the correct image size when engraving).

Any advice on how to fix the issue with the glass? Thanks in advance!