Had a very perplexing trip to Lowe's and Home Depot. I'm finishing a project that I (now I'm thinking foolishly) am finishing with shellac. I'm half way done, but have run out of denatured alcohol to dissolve my shellac flakes.

I went to Home Depot first, and their Denatured Alcohol cans looked different. So I looked up its MSDS sheet, and now it's not 95% ethanol, it's down to 30-35% ethanol, with most of the remainder 60% methanol and some other assorted chemicals. I'm not sure if methanol is a solvent for shellac, so I didn't buy that, and drove off to Lowe's.

In Lowe's, they had a different brand denatured alcohol (made by the same company). Its MSDS was essentially the same.

So, my questions are:

Is this an acceptable solvent for shellac?
Will it even work?
Will it flash off at a different rate?
Where can one get denatured alcohol that's almost all ethanol (I know it needs some methanol, by law)?