Quote Originally Posted by Larry Browning View Post
Me too! I absolutely HATE to text!
I really don't know why these things called "SmartPHONES" even have the word phone in the name. Most people under the age of 35 hardly ever use the phone feature. I asked one of the younger colleagues here at work when was the last time he actually used his as a phone. He couldn't say for sure, but he thought it might have been 2 weeks ago, when his mom called.

I just don't get the big attraction of texting over voice. It just seem so impersonal to me. Why in the world would you want to text someone, when you could actually talk to them? It is a much slower form of communication, and how do you know you are communicating with the person you think you are? I can't tell you how many times SWMBO has texted back and forth with one of our children on my phone pretending she was me. My kids think I text them all the time.

I know all the young people are just rolling their eyes right now, thinking about how out of touch with reality I am. One of these days I will die off (probably killed by a texting driver) and you won't have to listen to my rantings. That will be just in time for you to take my place, with your rantings about how great things were back in 2015 when we had cell phone.
The thing is, the original dinosaurs were clueless to their pending demise. At least you can see yours. LOL