So I says to myself, Self why not make a set and save. Now I need some input. has any one made oars and what problems did you encounter along the way. Here is my idea. I have a lot of poplar that I milled from trees lost during hurricane sandy. seems like a good stable wood and I can get clear pieces. these are milled to 1 1/4" thick. I was thinking of ripping them to 2' strips and gluing two together with a 1/4" strip of oak in the middle for added strength. than glue additional pieces on the fat end to make the oar shape. I can cut the rough shape with the band saw and rig up the lathe with a flying tail stock ( I made that up because I havent figured it out yet) of some kind to turn the handles and grip. any ideas on that would help. Then I think I can shape the paddle end with the hand planner. So what do you think and don't worry about being gentle I can take it.