
This is a form I have been thinking about doing for some time........getting the triangle exactly the same on all three sides is more difficult than meets the eye, and I was able to get a template for design purposes, and off to the races!

I actually wanted to do a lid with more than black, but the selection of wood I had to go with the cherry was limited, so I just ebonized a piece of maple for the lid for contrasting purposes. Black goes with everything! When I can get some decent maple burl with good figure, I will probably do another one of these.

The form is 10" wide and 4.5" tall.

This is a challenging piece to do, especially with those wings flying at over 2000 rpm, and sanding by hand is very tedious with all the small areas which have to be done.

This may not be everyone's cup-O-tea, but it is something I have been contemplating for probably the better part of the last year. I almost did one from a piece of walnut back about 3 months ago, but decided to use that walnut for another purpose.

I am not sure what to call it really........lidded bowl, lidded box, winged form.........thingy???! What say you about the official identity of this form?

Comments are welcome!