I have been unable to get any uninterrupted time in my shop in a couple of weeks now... and it's driving me bat crazy! The last week and a half were spent "remodeling" the munchkin's room... new furniture (cool bookshelf, bed still to be purchased), paint (pumpkin and turquoise with designs on the wall), accessories (complementary colors on artsy-fartsy stuff), etc. This kid is getting a better room than anything I've ever had! The the honey-do list is still there, slowly growing because I'm not actively whittling it down.

I have a new vacuum chamber, stabilizing resin, dyes and pigments, etc. to play with. I have blanks that need sorting. I have designs running through my head but no time to put them into action. <sigh> This sucks! Maybe next weekend...

Anyone else go stir-crazy when they can't get in the shop?