I grew up learning to use tools the old fashion way...trial and error. My dad, God rest his soul, was not particularly handy having come from an affluent, non-technical family. I learned how use tools by using them. I worked construction jobs and was not afraid of power tools. I am now.

I remember using a RAS when I was young. I was helping build a house for my sister. My father was the general contractor so I just helped by doing what was needed. I was doing some finish carpentry, using this RAS that I had not a clue about. I was ripping a piece of trim (probably from the wrong direction...I don't know a thing about RAS's still!...and don't use them.) The piece of trim shot out of the saw like a rocket and nearly hit my father. On the way out the board left a big chunk of splintered wood in my finger....went to the doc who cut it out.

That is the only mishap I have had but it may be purely due to the grace of God. I have a table saw with a riving knife that I cut down so it could stay on with non-through cuts. Gone are my blade cover and pawls. I have recieved feedback that is all over the board. Some call it a crazy move while others think it was the right thing to do. I personally considered them a dangerous obstacle when ripping short pieces, which I do a lot. I want to buy a Grr-ripper or two but for now they don't fit the budget. Does anyone know of a good book or source of free plans for making push blocks and other safety tools from wood? Feel free to PM me if you prefer. Thanks.
