I've wanted to make a sword for a friend/neighbor who has been bugging me for one for a while (it has gotten to be a running joke..."when can you make my sword?" He'll ask, "I've already made it, it's in the shop man, give me a beer and then let's go and get it".)

He has never really had an expectation to get the sword, and it really is a fun and running joke between us.

This joke has been going on a while... almost 4 years....

At any rate, he moved away about a year ago but is coming back for a visit and I thought I'd surprise him, FINALLY, with his sword. He is a HUGE vikings fan too, so the name/symbol should make him smile. The sword is for his wall in his "man cave" and probably wouldn't survive more than a swing or two-- it is for show only.

The wood is pi...pi... domestic conifer... and was carved on my Carvewright. The finish is 2 coats of white/grey primer followed by satin dark bronze (almost looks like metallic black) followed by silver rub-n-buff on the blade and antique rub-n-buff on the hilt. I then wrapped the handle in leather and painted the "stone" with ruby colored enamel model paint.

Thanks for looking, and as always, comments are appreciated.
