Quote Originally Posted by Ken Fitzgerald View Post

While it's true and I agree with you, it's not uncommon for doctors and dentists to several hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt before they begin to practice in their respective fields. Education isn't free and one has to live too.

One of the practices you see small communities near here use is an offer to pay off some doctor's student loans in return for them practicing within the community for a given number of years. In those cases, the small logging and farming communities win and so does the doctor.
This is a very common practice in the rural south. The drawback is that practicing medicine in a small community can have its challenges. In my experience most doctors that accept this offer complete their committment and move on.

Phil, a few things to share with your daughter that she may not know . . . docs don't just have to go to an office and see patients. Some cruise lines hire doctors. Disney hires doctors. Both situations are mostly ER work, but there are some perks that go along with the job.