I got a message today after sending a file on the heels of one that had just finished that said "Y axis disabled". I figured position sensor, so I called Epilog. After a short time on hold, the tech came on and gave me a quick test to see where the failure was. After the test, he had me on hold for something like 45 seconds, took my serial number info, and gave me the options for getting a new motherboard shipped (it's apparently a known glitch). I opted to return the mobo immediately and get them the tracking number in lieu of paying the core deposit and shipping it later since it takes about 10 minutes if you're having a bad day and have a cat helping/supervising to remove the board. Now, here's the kicker. Instead of blaming power surge (I'm on a sine wave UPS with 5 times the laser's max draw, I like overkill), out of warranty (I am), star alignment, or any of the myriad of other things companies seem to do these days, they stood behind the product and OVERNIGHTED me a new board. It's pretty lopsided in business that people rarely acknowledge the good and are quick to chastise, so I think it's that much more important to let people know when one excels. Thanks Epilog!

Maybe this will help someone on the fence about what to buy, it was a brain bender back when we were looking.

Oh, I guess they could also have blamed the message I sent the customer just 10 minutes before saying their product would ship today

Honestly, has anyone ever had a machine failure working on something personal, or does it only happen on customer products?