My only thought is to at least reconsider your plan of attack. You are ending up with a lesser saw in any of the 3 options, and that should be the last resort. I would see if there's work arounds to get your Northfield shipped. I'm thinking even if you have to partially disassemble, it would still be worth it to keep a saw you already own and presumably know well. Just taking the table and top wheel off would remove a lot of weight on a saw that size.

This is where you may find some good advice back over at OWWM, there are a lot of guys there very knowledgeable about moving big machines like yours. My first thought is to design a crate that would allow you to tip the saw on it's side fully cradled and supported. Have 2 timbers running the full length of the bottom of the crate with one end curved up. Then you could use the tractor to pull the crate like a sled instead of lifting straight up! Just one option...I'm sure those smarter than me can offer even more.

May sound crazy, but then again the Egyptians built pyramids out of stones weighing many tons without tractors.....where there's a will, there's a way

good luck,