I have noted a tendency recently for threads in the OT forum to veer off track to food. I've also noted new threads devoted completely to food. I've come to the conclusion that woodworkers must be a hungry lot.

Several of us (6 in this instance) have decided to petition Keith to start a new sub forum combining food and woodworking. We need a catchy, interesting name for the forum - something like . . . Ripping Recipes . . . or maybe Food to Make Your Saw Stop (NO hotdog recipes allowed). Let's stay away from Foods that Turn Your Stomach. Perhaps some of the Neanderthals can throw in their thoughts on cooking over an open fire, and I'm sure the Turners could teach us a few things about rotisserie cooking. We'll let the Carvers answer those pesky holiday questions about turkeys and hams and legs of lamb. The Finish guys will cover sauces and glazes. I see where this could be a most helpful forum. You wouldn't have to search all over the internet for something fancy to prepare for dinner with your partner, you could discuss wood working with your friends and get their advice on great food all at the same time. So let's hear your suggestions for the new forum name.

Please note, this really is a joke so don't start giving me grief about monkeying with a good thing!!