Hello all I just picked up my new CV cyclone (thanks to all from my previous thread). Still in boxes and business travel will take me out of town for a couple of weeks so it will be a bit before I can get it put together and installed. Once I do I will share more on that.
I am looking to collect more airborn dust and wood chips off of my table saw and I and beginning to look at overarm blade guards. I currently have a Grizz hybrid G0478 modified with 7' rails and extension table. I have a BD CI router extension table which I plan to move to the right side of the blade utilizing a semi-mobile cabinet secured to right extension wing. This will allow for access to the motor cover when needed. If I find a 1023rlx at the Grizz tent sale in June I will be coming home with an early XMAS present. Otherwise I am asking Santa for new Unisaw or PM2000. I mention this only because whatever I do for overarm dc I want to be able to utilize no matter what saw I wind up with. I have researched excalibur, Grizzly universal and PSI. I have not physically seen any of the models. I am primarily looking to collect dust off of the upper table area during cutting operations. The guard functionality is very distant second criteria achievement. I would ultimately like to mount the overarm unit from the trusses in my garage shop without any over complex modifications. Can anyone using any of these products provide some feedback and/or review of the product. If you mounted the unit overhead I would really like to see pics of your mountings. Thanks