Quick disclaimer; I don't know anything about metalworking so I apologize in advance if this is a stupid question. That said, I very much appreciate any advice or suggestions!

I am attempting to build a couple brass backed back/dovetail saws. My understanding is I should use 260 brass alloy. The brass backs will be 1/4" thick x 3/4" wide. My problem is I need to be able to cut a slot .020" wide x 3/8" deep in the 1/4" dimension of the back to accommodate the saw plate.

I have nowhere near the skills, experience or tools to do this myself. Does anyone know where I might be able to get these slots cut? Is this something I could likely find a local machine shop to do? Would a supplier of brass bar stock (McMaster Carr?) offer this kind of milling service?

Wenzloff and Sons saw makers used to sell slotted saw backs but that's not currently an option and I'm kind of stuck.

I attempted to laminate the saw plate between 1/8" thick brass sheet stock, drilling/punching holes and peening 1/4" diameter brass rod to hold it solidly, but I ended up with exactly what I was hoping to avoid -- bent/wavy saw plates.

I very much appreciate any advice and suggestions.

Thanks in advance,
Mike Allen