I was going to let knight-toolworks die off. I pretty much was burned out and sales were low enough it was more of a hassle then anything else. This is no ones fault but my own I never did any marketing and I am not a great businessman.
I don't have much in the way of assets to sell with it. Mainly my knight toolworks stamp and angle stamps and a word stamp with all the letters. Some jigs and a few irons. What I do have is the webpage the reputation and the knowledge.
I have one offer but it is dirt low. I can see giving lessons on tuning and making planes and such and that won't be free.
He wants me to cut kit parts on my cnc and I am ok with that charging by the hour. But the time it may take to redesign and all would end up extra.
I would like to see my planes live on there are planes like the sliding dovetail plane that no one else makes.
But I don't want to have to ship a plane here a plane there. So doing wholesale would be good for me.