1. Saw tips breaking or coming off can fly erratically. The last case I helped analyze was a broken tooth that lodged in an eye. The user had a finish blade and was using it to cut flooring. He was not wearing goggles. The blade hit a nail, the tip broke and parts flew out. Apparently one bounced and lodged in his eye causing permanent vision loss.

Not what you would expect to happen at all but it did.

Finish blades have a different grind and typically a different grade of carbide than nail cutting blades

2. Some of the data quoted here is accurate and presented fairly but it is a few years older or more. There have been huge advances in carbide performance in even the last five years.

3. If anyone wishes I will send them a few saw tips and a couple inches of braze alloy. You can soak it in whatever you wish as long as you wish.
