Ok.. I've taken off the right hand side granite extension off my R4511 and have built an oak frame measuring 27" x 27" that is currently bolted in it's place.

Due to the split rail I'm not getting the support that I'd have hoped for and am concerned that the end will slump once the 3/4" top and router are on it.

What do you think the best way to add support to it would be?

Also, does anyone have any idea where I can get those big holkin' tapered head screws that they use to attach the front rail iron to the top? I'll need a longer one, if not two, to attach the extension to the front of the saw.

Back can be bolts.

I plan on adding a short angle iron section to support the table at the front to the full length of the rail, supported by the rail itself.. Since it's got several mounting points, should not have an issue with that.

DOWN SIDE of having the router extension on the right with this saw? Can no longer swing the door open, I'd think... So I'll have to do a couple quick plug clips on either side to hold it in place.

Anyway... What do you think I should do for support? I'd LIKE to have it adjustable so that I can fine tune it incase it drops at the end and needs brought up beyond my original mounting points.