
I am looking for some advice on buying a good respirator.

I have a garage shop that I am trying to get set up in Minnesota, and it gets cold up here so I can't just vent my atmosphere by opening the doors during the winter. I do own a dust collector which I wheel around, but it's a stock Jet DC-650 which catches the large particles but not the small ones. Right now I do not have the money to sink into a new cyclone system and all the piping required to really make it work (1K+?) so I am looking at alternatives.

That leads me to the respirator. I'd like to know what you other folks might be using, and recommendations on what I should look for. I do have a full face beard (curly, neatly trimmed, maybe 1/4 - 1/2" at most) which can complicate things.

- Kirk Simmons
- Eagan, MN

Other ideas are also welcomed.