Bob as I see it you can either find a fantastic deal on a used machine that has all the features you want or purchase a new machine that has less than everything on your wish list.
·A cnc router is big, heavy, loud, and messy.
(1)Do you have the room to accommodate this type of thing?
·Plywood is big and heavy.
(2)Can you haul this material around easily?
(3)Do you have storage for the material?
(4)Do you have room for all the machinery that you will need to build cabinets?
(5)Do you have room to assemble the cabinets?
(6)Will you have a space just for finishing?
·Because finishing anything in the same area as the cutting machinery is a pain in the neck. Dust gets in the finish and it feels like sandpaper.
(7)When you finish one cabinet, do you have storage for it while you are constructing and finishing the rest?

If you are just a hobbyist with aspirations to make a dream or hobby into a business someday, then the answer to most of these questions is probably no. especially if all you have as a workspace is a two-car garage I have a 3-car garage and I have no room to effectively build anything. In addition, finishing is a challenge.

My suggestion is start out with a smaller machine and see where it takes you. if a bigger machine is in your future you will be able to make the money for one with the smaller machine. a 3 head machine or one with a tool changer is nice to have but unless you are a production shop you will find that that it is unnecessary, you can keep up with the tool changes without a problem. same goes for a vacuum table while very nice there are other options. a spindle would be grand but a Porter Cable router is quite capable of accomplishing your goals. Although noisier. Can you cut a 4x8 sheet in half and double it up to cut both halves at once; for box cabinets this would seem very possible.

Do not let your want for the perfect machine keep you from moving on your dreams. like I said; get what you can easily afford and let that machine pay for your dream machine. I say easily afford because there are so many unexpected costs associated with starting this type of hobby or business that you will be glad that you gave yourself the extra cushion.
A laser will put a much smaller financial dent in your wallet. It takes less support equipment and less space to run a successful operation.
Just my .008