22 Jun 2009

Yes, it's HOT here.!!!
85º F at 07:10 hours and this is the "cool" part of the day!
Been working on cutting up a large Oak tree that we had to have taken down as it was dieing and we've been working in the yard and garden as well. Since both A/C units are broken on the shop, I'm spending precious little time in there as I just can't take the heat like I used to and without A/C in my shop it get well over 100º F and stays there until very late at night. Many are already saying "come on fall"!!!

I've been spending a good bit of my "free" time with my boys teaching them how to do various things like changing oil in the lawn more, sharpening the blades, how to handle a tiller, how to safely run a chainsaw, and such things as that. Nobody ever taught me how to do all that and since I'm the dad of the house, it's my responsibility to teach my kids how to do things as well as how to take care of themselves.

The day job is hard and heavy. I've got a Disaster Recovery exercise to do in Philly sometime next month and then another one in October. I'm not looking forward to it, but hey, it means I will still have a job then and that pays the bills.

Well, that's it for me for this week. What did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.