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Thread: Working on another Project..maybe

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Need to haul the other two planks to the shop, today. Will try to get Drawer #1 cleaned up, fitted to the opening, and the knobs installed...

    Will have to cut around a "Knot Farm" in the one plank....may use it for the sides and the backs, if there is enough space between the big knots.

    Need to get motivated and out of this chair...first.

    Stay tuned...

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Made a mess on the floor...couple of times...still has a sticky spot right before it closes all the way
    IMG_5065 (640x480).jpg
    tried a bit of wax, to make things slide a bit better.
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    This was after I ran a saw for a while...cutting the "best parts" out of the other two planks...left a bunch of...scrap
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    The one under these..
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    yeah....I can work around what is left..
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    Some will be ripped off, when I cut these for width. Trying to decide which edge treatment to do..
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    We'll see. Lumber was cut, using a vintage saw...of sorts..
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    Been giving it a workout, lately.
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    Same with these sort of things..

    Taking a break, for a few...if it cools off later, I may start in on Drawer #2....
    Stay tuned..

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Got it started....maybe able to finish Drawer #2 tomorrow

    Had to plane the drawer front for width, to match the opening...
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    Took a while...noted the ends weren't square...tried the plane routine...
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    Meh...went over to Old Reliable and cut the ends square..
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    Takes a while to cut a 1 x 8...but at least it is square, jig for the Stanley 45 again..
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    And there be a Pitch Pocket....will clean it out, and fill it in. laid out the pins...this time there were a couple extra
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    Old No. 4 backsaw to cut the lines..
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    Then a mallet and some chisels to chop the waste...1/2 way from one face, then flip over and do the rest
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    Drawer's front panel is now done. Used the pins on one end, to lay out the tails....used to use the bandsaw to saw tails...
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    Bandsaw is down. Have to use this saw. Chopped the waste, from both sides...and did a dry fit

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    IMG_5075 (640x480).jpg
    May be this weekend, I can tear it all down, and rebuild it. Right now it is merely in the way.

    Oh, and that dry fit?
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    May need a little fine tuning...pays to leave the lines.
    Arms are sore. Had to reschedule the heart transportation. Looks like I can get this "Chester Drawers" done, after all.
    Stay tuned..

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, turned out the Drawer #1 liked the #2 spot better..
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    So, the second drawer built will go at the top, instead,,,
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    Have the parts for the third drawer about ready to be worked on..this evening (again) as Top Drawer is now in the clamps..
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    Had an issue with one knot...
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    Dado needed to go through it...was a bit rough on the Stanley #39 3/8"
    Clamp to pull things square, again..
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    And laid out the knobs for when the clamps come off.

    I even swept the stairway to the shop this morning
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    Gave a panel saw a try out as well....mitre box didn't quite cut deep enough for the dado....
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    To chase the sawcuts a bit deeper , until they were level across the dado.
    Letting the glue cure a while....will check after Supper, and maybe start on the last drawer.

    New Appointments are for the 7th and 8th of August....then back home on the 9th..SHOULD have the van back, by then.

    Stay tuned...

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Drawer is out of the clamps, now.
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    These things have been flushed down.....
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    Looks better?

    Handles were installed, after I had laid the locations out..
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    Drawer was test fitted..
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    Something didn't look quite right...
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    Hmmm...had a 1/8" or so thick strip of pine scrap.....cut two pieces to length, glue and a few nails to attach the "filler" to the sides of the opening..NOT the side of the drawer..
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    Will do for a fix. Got the last drawer front fitted..
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    But all I have left is two pieces for the sides..
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    And one of them has a bullet in it..
    I can but a short piece of pine, to make a back for the drawer....Until then, I can do the dovetails for the last drawer.

    Think that will do, for one day.....stay tuned...

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    BTW...who shot that tree?
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    A little bigger than a .22, and is a metal jacket round.

  8. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Well, until I get the board to make the back of the drawer...about all I can do today is just just these things..
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    Got both ends done..
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    Drawer front does have a groove for the bottom panel to sit in..
    one screw.jpg
    And a test fit was tried out..
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    Need to get a back made, and install the bottom and the knobs....and maybe do a glue more time. Groove in the sides need done, and a dado soon as I find out how thick the back will be.

    Staying tuned?

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Supplies have been bought....just need to motivate towards the shop.....maybe later today a glue up WILL happen...

  10. #55
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Dropping way back here....was getting a bit long-winded....talking to meself....

    Board for the back of the last drawer is in the shop..
    back board.jpg

    $6.53 for a 1 x 8 x 24" chunk of Poplar? Maybe I should have it framed, instead?

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    Needed two cuts made. crosscut for length, then a rip cut....once that was done....I could knock the front and two sides apart....mill a groove for the bottom
    Then build a new jig..
    new jig.jpg
    Set the Stanley 45 up as a dado plane, since the grooves were done..
    Drill a few pilot holes and countersink then....then cut the plywood panel to size for a bottom...spread some glue around, add some clamps..
    front corner.jpg
    Then pull things square, and add screws to the bottom panel at the back
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    Will let this sit awhile...later will remove the clamps, clean up the glue joints, and install the knobs....
    I also picked up a pulley for the bandsaw's motor...2-1/2" die cast, 1/2" bore, no keyway. $11. So..NOW I have all the new parts needed, just need to get the drsser out of the shop, so I will have enough room to rebuild the bandsaw ( anyone want to come over and help out?) No van, as of yet..still in the shop.

    Stay tuned..some day my luck might change...

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Ok...drawer is out of the clamps, cleaned up and the knobs installed....

    Ran that router around..
    top edge.jpgcorners.jpgprofiled.jpgbottom.jpg
    Then sanded all these spots smooth. Since we are letting my Daughter decide what flavour the finish will be....time for a PIP
    front view.jpg
    As the woodworking part is done..
    Supposed to be for my 9 yr old Grandson...aka GrandBRAT. Maybe he won't just toss his clothes all over the floor of his

    May post as a project.....thanks for following along.

  12. #57
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Have recieved "guidance" about flavour she wants..

    Can of Rustoleum "Kona" stain...then a coat of Poly Gloss. getting ready to apply the stain in a bit....update when done...

  13. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Waiting to see how this stuff dries....then a coat or two of varnish...

    Knobs, back of the case, and the sides of the drawers were NOT stained...knobs will get a coat or two of varnish, though.

    IF I ever use this stuff again..
    It WILL get thinned down by at least half....IF I ever do use it again.
    Stay tuned....will up-date after the varnish...

  14. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    Do NOT, I repeat..Do NOT ever use this s.....tuff ever. Barely dries....bleeds into the varnish.....

    Even MinWax is light-years better.

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    twomiles from the "peak of Ohio
    OK...Final look at how this turned out.....sending it to it's new home after this..
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    Already has some "Wear & Tear" markings....which she also likes..
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    Managed to get a bit of shine to the top..
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    Just a Pine Chest of Drawers......might even last a bit longer than those from Ikea?

    Thanks for looking in.

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