Option 1 places the tools closer to the DC making for shorter duct runs. which is a big plus. I notice that all three options keep the one table in the same spot. Is there a reason for that? It looks like you could swap that table (in #1) with the bandsaw and drill press and get an arrangement with all of your machines clustered on one end nearer the DC and room for assembly/finishing on the other end of the shop. Also consider possibly orienting the TS parallel to the long table if you move it.

Shop layout is somewhat personal to the way you work, but is also somewhat dictated by work flow. Typically, wood comes in and is sized, has joinery cut, then test assembled, sanded, final assembled, and then finish applied. You may have one piece in glue up and another just being sized while taking a break from cutting tenons or dovetails.... That all depends on the type of work that you do, but your shop should reflect that.