Hello all,

I read the board quite a bit but post rarely. Usually when I have a problem. Right now I'm having a problem with the shims under the top of my TS top and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Here's the situation:

I recently moved a PM 2000, and to do so I removed the top. Unfortunately, when I did the shims fell off. (I'm kicking myself for not easing up each corner to grab them.) As I was outside in the grass there is a chance that I haven't been able to find them all (although I spent a good hour on my hands and knees digging around). And I'm not sure of the position of the four that I did find.

As is sits now, when you put the top back on with no shims it's flat across all the edges, and one direction diagonally, but in the other direction diagonally one or possibly both corners sag a bit.

I started using pieces of feeler gauge to try and shim it up to get the sagging corners up. It seems that as soon as you get it flat that way, the other corners started to sag. After messing with it for about six hours, trying every combination I could think of I'm feeling pretty frustrated.

If anyone has any suggestions that would be great.
