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Thread: Adult Ads

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Wellsboro, PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Huelsbeck View Post
    What if you knew for $6.00 you would not have to see the ads, become a contributor and well problem solved Just an idea.

    Not only that, if enough people contributed, there wouldn't be any ads in the first place.


  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris Padilla View Post
    The one I've noticed most of today is "Seka's Fantasies" and it appears to be a book on the adult film star. It seems to show up in threads with the title of "screw" or "screwed" in it....
    Chris, you owe me dry cleaning for one (1) shirt. I just spewed coffee on it reading your post/explanation.

    You can send it via inter-office mail... I'm in the directory at work.


  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA
    Bill me, Kevin! (I have a brother named Kevin! ) How about I donate money for you to make you a 2008 Contributor?!
    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  4. #19

    Nah, but thanks for the offer. It's not a lack of funds that is the limiting factor.

    I hope no one opens a thread inquiring about a hammer-drill.


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Cincinnati Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Patoka View Post
    I haven't seen any ads either. If you log out there is now an Amazon banner ad at the top of the page. I'm assuming the ads are currently for those who are not Contributors or don't log in. Makes that $6 donation seem even better.
    I may be wrong but with all the fuss on here about Amazon deals I would think EVERYONE would want to see the current deals offered by them. Just a few days ago was a banner at the top of the page for the Worksharp for $159.00

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Victoria, Australia
    Yeah, I'm in sympathy with the "shoot yourself in the foot" thread ... the membership here is relatively cashed-up and keen to spend ... everyone will benefit from seeing some ads.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Huelsbeck View Post
    What if you knew for $6.00 you would not have to see the ads, become a contributor and well problem solved Just an idea.
    Hmmm...Ok, so are you suggesting that it's SMC's new policy that if you don't pay Keith $6 he's going to subject you to pornography ads? I'm sick of this, "Contribute money or else" attitude. I have my own personal reasons for not contributing at this time and it's nobody's business but my own. Either make it a pay only site or leave these sort of comments and begging out of it. The ads for non-members are already the most intrusive I've seen on any WW forum. Do we need to threaten the, "Members" with porn too? I'm not going out of my way to complain about the regular WW ads because I try to just ignore them but porn ads are a bit much. So far I've been able to ignore those too. My 9yo son frequently sits next to me and reads the threads and he does read the ads. That should say it all.


  8. #23
    Look above -------- way at the top-- seen it- Amazon ad - thats the internet for ya - even on Amazon

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    SE PA - Central Bucks County

    I assure you that Keith, Aaron, et al, are taking this problem seriously. There is no INTENTION for any advertisements to be displayed that have content inappropriate for our audience and against the principles in the TOS. The situation that this thread called to attention was a complete surprise to the adminstrators, too.

    There is a serious effort being made to adjust the settings so that this does not continue. But it is complex. I found that out on my own site awhile back, although it was a more minor content issue and with a different type of ad. Fortunately. Please let Keith and Aaron work this through.

    And please, it's time to stop calling folks on the carpet who choose not to volunteer a contribution. Stop it. Now. Everyone. If someone wants the extra benefits that contributing brings, that's a fine choice in my option. If they choose otherwise, that's just fine too. The site owners have put into effect a plan to support both choices and that plan was generated by the collective decisions of SMC members.

    One final reminder...personal attacks are prohibited at SMC. For any reason. Reason with politness. Anything beyond that will be deleted.

    SMC Moderator

    The most expensive tool is the one you buy "cheaply" and often...

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    St Marys, West Virginia
    Bruce do you really think the Creek is responsible for any porn ads? Thats coming through Amazon. Keith said they'll look into it and try to fix it if all possible.

    I also get tired of hearing the complaining there are ads and changes have happened to keep the creek financed. Don't think constant comments that folks should contribute is needed either. There are threads explaining all of that already.

    Amazon for some reason due to a keyword triggering it, has shown some porn ads. Now Keith/the Creek gets lambasted for it? Sounds more like a way to complain about the ads in the first place.

    They said they will try to fix that problem. What more now?
    One good turn deserves another

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Western Nebraska
    Shish, I might un-contribute, sounds like I'm missing something....

  12. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Gifford View Post
    Bruce do you really think the Creek is responsible for any porn ads? Thats coming through Amazon. Keith said they'll look into it and try to fix it if all possible.

    Yes, SMC is responsible for the porn ads because when they took the Amazon money for advertising they didn't find out just what it was they were signing up for. Was it an honest mistake? I do believe it was. But that doesn't mean it wasn't their fault. There's a simple way to stop it immediately...Stop the Amazon ads until the problem is resolved.

    I also get tired of hearing the complaining there are ads and changes have happened to keep the creek financed. Don't think constant comments that folks should contribute is needed either. There are threads explaining all of that already.

    You haven't seen any posts about me complaining about the presence of wood working ads. Just offensive, adults only type of ads. I haven't really seen anyone complain about the presence of regular woodworking ads. It's Keith's website and if he wants to start making a profit from it then good for him. There's nothing wrong with making a profit. If Keith were to decide to make it a porn site then that's his right too but obviously that's not his intent.

    Amazon for some reason due to a keyword triggering it, has shown some porn ads. Now Keith/the Creek gets lambasted for it? Sounds more like a way to complain about the ads in the first place.

    In my opinion, making a deal with a huge company like Amazon and then being surprised by porn ads sounds to me like poor planning and research into just what it was that he was signing up for. It was an honest mistake but I don't see how you could describe it in any other way. I might've made the same mistake myself. But I would also expect people to object to it and I'd put a stop to it immediately until the problem was resolved. Keith can and will handle it in any way he wants to because it's his site.

    But I really haven't seen anyone complaining about the ads in general. If you want to see it that way then that's your right but you are imagining things. As I said before, I don't blame Keith for selling ad space at all. It's called capitalism. Good for him. I hope he makes a profit with it.

    But putting up with some, "Contributers" constantly harassing me and other, "Members" is just one of the reasons why I'm not going to contribute at this time. And now that I have to deal with the intrusive ads is another reason why I see no reason to contribute. Do you send an extra $6 a year to your cable company after watching all of the TV commercials? When I used to watch PBS, (Back when they were actually commercial-Free) I used to contribute. At least they limited their pledge drives to only a couple of times a year and it was the people who ran the station, not the other people watching the channel.

    I think Mr. Becker has made it very clear that the constant harassment of, "Members" has to stop. I applaud him for that and I believe that a lot of good would be served if that same statement was made on all forums in the form of a, "Sticky". Not too many people are going to see this thread. Thanks Jim!

    They said they will try to fix that problem. What more now?
    I don't know. What more now? Keith is handling it in the way he sees fit and that's that. Sounds good to me. 'Nuf said.


  13. #28
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Rozmiarek View Post
    Shish, I might un-contribute, sounds like I'm missing something....
    Somethings not right. Paying extra and missing the porn

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hayes, Virginia
    We are working on the issue but it takes time and we all have full time jobs and families.
    The Creek is growing, we now have two professional System Administrators to keep things going around here. These people expect to be paid for their services so we must find a source of revenue to pay their labor and to expand our sever capacity and bandwidth in the coming months. By next year one of our System Administrators will be a full time employee.

    Many people don't understand how big The Creek is these days, to the best of my knowledge we are the number one woodworking forum on the Net and growing beyond belief every day. There is little time to plan for our growth right now, it is happening so fast every day is critical that we make the best decisions we can so we can provide the support necessary for the next day, week and month.

    We have to give these ads a chance to bear fruit if we are going to be able to provide free access here, there isn't any other way. Jackie, Aaron and I have put together a fee matrix for contract banners that we hope will provide the majority of our financial needs. We are just starting to market our banner ads now...we need some time folks to make this happen.

    We must make decisions today to provide for The Creek six months from now, this is our critical time line. If we bury our heads in the sand the problem will over-run us so quick we might not be able to recover. We are experiencing over three thousand new posts per day and 7.6 million page views per month which includes our "Guest" load. New registrations are now averaging 2,100 per month, just a few months ago in November we were averaging 1,500 new registrations per month. Soon we will need to start purchasing some very expensive equipment that will be necessary to support the load here by the end of this year. We will soon overrun our current backup equipment which will need to be replaced and at a hefty price plus we will need to add bandwidth very soon if we are going to keep The Creek from slowing down.

    Soon we will be hosting personal Photo Galleries and Blogs for people here, this will increase our traffic but we don't know how much at this point. The Creek isn't a Truck any longer it is a Train and it is picking up speed every day.

    Possibly as early as next year we will have our custom Shop Tours module, this will surely double our total traffic here in just a few months....we will clearly be the most comprehensive and largest provider of woodworking information on this planet in a very short time with features that others aren't even considering today.

    Think about it.........there has to be some growing pains along the way. No matter how hard we try to plan for all of the problems that might come our way we will miss something or underestimate our needs from time to time or even fail to consider something like how keywords may affect our Forums. We will deal with issues the best we can as fast as we can.
    Last edited by Keith Outten; 02-21-2008 at 7:31 AM.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    NE Ohio
    Hello Greg,
    Somethings not right. Paying extra and missing the porn
    Look at the bright side.
    You don't have to worry about reading a thread in Neander about old tools .
    Last edited by Rich Engelhardt; 02-21-2008 at 2:16 PM.
    "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon

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