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Thread: Rejoice With Me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New Orleans LA

    Rejoice With Me

    As some of you know I've been engaged in making the second five of ten dining chairs for family. The first five were delivered in July after about five months of construction. The second five I picked up from the auto paint shop Yesterday. Why did the first five take five months and the second seven? Well, wife's broken hip kept me out of the shop a while and qfter I put the seal coat of shellac over the dye it blushed. Etc. But yesterday I picked up the chairs and the spray job was great, no signs of the blush, various bo-bos well hidden. Happy day, right? When I brought them to the upolsterer I couldn't find the fabric left from the first batch. Talk about sleepless nights. Last night was one. But this morning, voila. I found it. I've loaned my camera; so can't post, but the original five and the table they were made for are at Thanks for listening to an old guy issue a sigh of relief.
    Last edited by Carl Eyman; 02-18-2004 at 11:04 AM.
    18th century nut --- Carl

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Dumfries, Virginia
    Congratulations on finishing the project. It sounds like you persevered through while taking care of some other responsibilities. I know you feel relieved.

    The reason I say that is, for reasons not as good as yours, I was a year late delivering my son's wedding present. Boy was I glad to have that behind me.

  3. #3
    They are absolutely beautiful .
    Just georgeous.
    "Howdy" from Southwestern PA

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Conway, Arkansas

    I stand in amazement of the very fine work you have done. Did you do all that carving and hand carved feet? What kind of wood is that? Can an ol Fart like me learn how to do that?
    Thanks & Happy Wood Chips,
    Dennis -
    Get the Benefits of Being an SMC Contributor..!
    ....DEBT is nothing more than yesterday's spending taken from tomorrow's income.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    SF Bay Area, CA
    Wow, wow, Wow!
    Wood: a fickle medium....

    Did you know SMC is user supported? Please help.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Lewiston, Idaho
    Just plain GORGEOUS!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    dawsonvill GA
    Carl , those are just awsome.

    You are an inspiration to the rest of us. excellant work.


  8. #8

    I'm glad to hear it my friend

    Obviously you made it back from the Williamsburg conference alright and have been pretty productive since then. I'm sure they turned out just as well as the table and the first 5 chairs. Congratulations on a job well done.
    Dave Anderson

    Chester, NH

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Broken Arrow(Tulsa), OK

    I do believe you're gettin' good at chair makin'! No,'ve become a master at chair making! Those are absolutely beautiful.

    Congratulations on finishing the second batch and finding the fabric for them!


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    New Orleans LA

    Can an Old Flatulent Guy lear Carving?

    Thank you all for kind words. With good how-to books by Ron Clarkson, for example, and a good video on carving ball & claw feet by Phil Lowe it's possible, And what whipersnaper is calling himself old? Hey I think there's only one member of this forum older that I.

    Dave, I've been told by my best (non-paying) customer it is time to start on the clock. No rest for the weary.

    Oh the wood is mahogany - just about the easiest there is to carve
    Last edited by Carl Eyman; 02-18-2004 at 5:23 PM.
    18th century nut --- Carl

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