As we open this forum up to all the Guild of New Hampshire Woodworkers, it would help me if you could post a brief reply to this message, to let me know that you were able to register at Sawmill Creek and that you are able to see the Guild forum!!
Just hit the reply button and respond with a short note, or, if you have questions or comments, this would be a great time to hear them!
Roger Myers
Admin Edit - We have established a private forum for the New Hampshire Woodworkers Guild. SawMill Creek is happy to provide custom forums for woodworking groups as well as share our public forums to those who are part of a specific group. We welcome all of the NHWG members to SawMill Creek Woodworkers Forums and are looking forward to your active participation in our community.
NHWG members who cannot access the groups private forum should send me a private message requesting access. As soon as Roger Myers or Dave Anderson approves your access I will make the appropriate adjustments to your account.
Keith Outten