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Thread: Rules..No Rules?

  1. #16

    sorta in the minority

    Well, I agree with names, ot, no politics or religion, and yes to hyperlinks but I liked the pond rule of not linking to a site you were associtated with. Im sure your wondering why (well maybe your not but Im gonna tell you anyhow). I like simple rules. Speed limit is 50 MPH, 51 is speeding. If you say small companies can link to there sites but others can't you get into a very gray area.

    Since we have members websites listed in our profile people can get to your site that way.

    Just my 2 cents.


  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Coatesville, PA


    I also agree with your broad outline for rules. I definately think full names are important & I like to see where everyone is from - though I guess it's not neccessary. No religion & politics is a good idea - I'd probably be the one getting flagged over those . I also like hyper links - as you say it's what the web is all about. However no flagrant commercial posts. I think you can use a little leway on that one. & now that I know you encourage the moderator button - I for one won't be afraid to use it if a post gets out of hand.

    The Pond really was the best on-line community I've ever seen. Wayne's rules were probably a big part of that - but I think we can loosen up a little from the Pond's rules.

    Keep up the great work guys.
    God Bless America!

    Tom Sweeney BP

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hopkinsville, Ky.


    Hey Zack,

    You any kin to Waylon?
    in Hopkinsville, Ky.

    "Knowledge Is Power"

    "Git R Done"

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Tidewater, VA

    No Handle

    All -

    My suggestions (some are duplicates form above)
    • Use names, not handles. When you meet someone in person, you are not likley to call him Mike222 to his face. Like Bill O'Reilly says, "Name and town, name and town, name and town, if you wish to opine." First, last or both.
    • Registration required. Helps eliminate those drive posts or flames.
    • No religion, no politics. The war of northern aggression or the recent unpleasantness is politics. So is recipes. Things like that have been known to start fights. (So has Ford vs Chevy - see next bullet). No specific sports teams.
    • OT items that gain from the collective knowledge - car/truck purchases, HVAC questions, insulation, etc. seem appropriate.
    • Hyperlinks are great if they don't go to a site you are associated with. Example: Since you asked about it, you can see a picture of the brand new Frammitz here. However, anything with deliberate commercial intent should be reported and removed.

    The fewer the rules the better. But there is a certain modicum of decency and civility that must be maintained. Holding people accountable greatly aids in that.


    Last edited by Ted Shrader; 03-01-2003 at 11:17 AM.

  5. #20



    Thanks for letting us comment on the rules you are proposing. I agree with all of the rules you posted, although I do have some concern that they are more open than those used at Badger Pond. It will be a good test to see if we all can be a self managing community. Using the "report to moderator" feature for blatant commercial posts or innappropriate links or innappropriate language/topics/etc will provide folks with the ability to flag issues. Of course, "innappropriate" is in the eyes of the beholder so you may find yourself in that unenviable position of playing parent/censor; just as Wayne did (and well) on Badger Pond. Best of luck with this site!!! And, thanks for setting it up so quickly. It has great features, and I'm hoping you can add just one more.... multiple pictures per post.

    Ed Bartchy

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Collin County Texas

    Language is a consideration also....

    One of the nice things about the Pond was the lack of swearing, name calling, or other "expletive deleted" comments.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I am about the last person who would be accused of being politically correct, and I think I can make a sailor blush when the situation gets to me. But, when I come to the forums, I come to gain and share information, not get an exercise in lack of command of the English language.

    So, good folks, let's be nice, I got a picture of my grand daughter in my wallet
    Best Regards, Ken

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hesperia, CA

    Smile Rules

    I do think that we need rules and the ones that Wayne at the Badger Pond had, I thought were great and kept down a lot of problem that could rise, even though he had to step in now and then.
    Dick Brown

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    NW Minneapolis

    The "Aye"s have it

    Common misinterpretation

    Nuisance Posters
    One mans junk is another mans castle as they say, determining who is a nuisance is difficult. I would suggest that we all be tolerant and remember that the first amendment is very broad in what we determine to be free speech. Use your "Ignore List" to deal with this problem as a first line of defense.
    Keith, I hope this doesn't come across as political, as I completely agree that politics should be off-limits. (Otherwise I would never log off). People's speech on this forum is NOT protected by the first ammendment, unless of course, you are an employee of the government, using government funds to support this site. This site belongs to you (or some private business entity) and you have the right to limit speech on your private property in any manner you see fit.

    That said I agree with your basic rules.
    Although not a killer for me, no links to a site where you have a commercial interest might be a good addition. I would personally welcome links to somebody's site where they are not selling anything.


    A lack of thoughtfulness is different than a lack of intelligence, but often has the same net result

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Just outside of Spring Green, Wisconsin

    Thumbs up Right on...

    As usual, Keith, you're right on the money! Hard to argue with any of your suggestions and, FWIW, here's my take on the one "open to discussion":

    Usernames: Real w/first & last.

    Hyperlinks: You bet. If one is unsure of whether they should post one or not, pass it by the administrator first.

    Nuisance poster: Agree. Hard to really determine, but as you say, there's the "ignore list" and the "report to moderator" button.

    Moderation: See "Nuisance poster".

    Commercial Posts: Generally, agree. Otherwise see: See "Nuisance poster".

    OT: Absolutely! Many folks here from all walks of life with many backgrounds and experiences. To shield this from the general forum would be an injustice. We're all about helping each other and it shouldn't stop with a piece of wood or tool.

    Religion & Politics: Totally agree to zero discussion, though I think it would be a shame if posts requesting prayers for a loved one or something were to be blown away. "Prayer" can come under an awful lot of umbrellas. I also note that there are a few folks signing off with references of "be blessed" or similar. I personally don't find an issue with that, either. If those folks *always* sign off like that, one can add them to their "ignore list" if they are offended.

    Now, as for Zack and hisI can tolerate Yankees but I sure don't have to trust one of um. For the last 14 years I have remained below the Mason Dixon line. Can we require that all Creek-er-ramas be held below " In the Southern Territory"? ...well, now. First off, I agree to banning any talk about the Civil War, but as far as you not trustin' us Northerners, where in the heck do you think that scooter you're ridin' was built? I'd say puttin' that V-Twin between your legs for a spin down the road doin' 60 or 70 mph is quite a bit of trust! So there! And to require a Creek-er-rama to be explicitly held in the Southern Territory....Well, I won't EVEN get into that!

    Oh, and one more thing there, Doc. I'll bet that any number of folks here would just LOVE your recipe for BBQ ribs! No arguments there...You Southern Folk sure know how to do ribs! Heck, for that matter, gotta' be about the best BBQ Chicken I ever had was down thataway, too!

    There. That'd be way more than my $00.02-worth, but inflation has taken its toll, hasn't it?
    John K. Miliunas

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  10. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Longwood FL



    I agree with your proposed rules. I definately want to see names not handles, full names prefered. I would also like to see lacation required City and State or at least State. It is nice to know where the people that are posting are from.

    You and your helpers have done a great job, Thanks
    Keith M

  11. #26

    Re: Right on...

    Originally posted by John Miliunas
    Religion & Politics: Totally agree to zero discussion, though I think it would be a shame if posts requesting prayers for a loved one or something were to be blown away.
    I agree with John on this one, requesting and/or offering prayers should not be prohibited. We all have our own ways of dealing with life's ups and downs, if someone offers (or requests) a prayer, accept that as their way of showing respect for (or dealing with) the situation.

    I also favor no handles, lets use real names.

    Let's be reasonable with one another. We are a broad spectrum of people with differing backgrounds. We all have a differing sense of humor based on background and culture (mine is sometimes warped!), what is funny to one may not be funny to others, but no harm is intended. Lets be tolerant and understanding with each other, monitor when things get out of hand, but don't sweat the small stuff!

    My two cents worth, no offense intended.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Bothell, WA

    I agree

    I agree. We are on the right track here....

    No handles, just names (whole name or first name and location).

    No religion or politics (except the requesting and issuing of general prayers and blessings).

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Rendon TX
    I'm glad this came up. I was going to post something similar a few days ago and just haven't had time.

    I like names not handles. I don't necassarily think that they need to be full names.

    Hyperlinks- I like them. I found it a nuisance to have to go to another area of the board to find a link to someone's site. I don't even mind commercial links as long as they are not blatent. For instance I'm fine with the numerous business owners here having a link to thier site in the signature area. It could even add to the credibility of thier posts on some occasions. As long as people are not "actively" promoting thier sites or products I'm comfortable with it.

    I would really like to do away with the percieved need to add disclaimers such as; " no affiliation" etc. any time a product or service is mentioned. That's been a pet peave of mine for some time. It's usually pretty obvious when an individual is beating the drum for a company.

    I have participated in other boards where manufacturers (with advance permission) have posted along the following lines: I have developed X with Y features and would like to disscuss it. Or
    "We are developing a product and would like your input." These topics are generally kept to one thread (often quite long) and seem rather orderly. I would really like it if Delta or Dewalt or whoever were to directly ask our opinions on occaison. I understand that this idea will be controversial.

    Religion and politics probably would be best disscused elswhere.

    Off topic post if they are indicated as such. I've recieved a great deal of help from such posts but I understand that many are annoyed by them.

    My 2 cents

    Mike Brewster

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Lafayette, IN
    First and last names:

    Religion and politics:

    BBQ Ribs:

    Brand of beer:
    (Yes, Ken, we all know you drink Bud Light. While >I< would hesitate to call that beer, it's a free country )

    What truck you drive:
    As long as we're not posting the infamous Calvin graphic along with the other brands' logos.

    Wayne was pretty strict with this one, but I think we could allow for context on some of the grayer ones. Just be sure you're talking about a rooster or a mechanical valve.

    Malicious name-calling:
    The bane of any self-respectable forum, internet or physical.

    Links to sites with which one is commercially affiliated:
    There's just too huge of a gray area here. I think Wayne stomped out a lot of sparks on this one, but they could easily have grown into major conflagrations.

    Well, that's more than 2&cent;, so I'll shut up now.

    Last edited by Jason Roehl; 03-01-2003 at 11:37 PM.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Hopkinsville, Ky.


    Mike Brewster & Keith Outten

    I vote to also do away with the "No Affiliation" in posts.

    It appears we're all seeing eye to eye on things, so keeping the site in order and doing our own policing, is gonna work out quite well.
    in Hopkinsville, Ky.

    "Knowledge Is Power"

    "Git R Done"

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