Yesterday afternoon, my Epilog TT started Screeching as the head came to the left side on a raster.. It sounded like someone dragging their nails across a blackboard and hitting speed bumps.. I though Oh @#$%^&& there goes the head bearing..

I sent an email to Epilog Services, and received one back with-in the hour from Koy in the service department.. He said to call him.. So, I did.. I was positive it was the head bearing full of crud, and dragging itself down the rail and just wanted to know how to clean it.. Koy thought it might be the X motion motor, and suggested that I should humor him and disconnect the belt, move the head, move the belt on the motor, and see where the noise came from.. I'm glad I humoured him, because he was absolutely right.. The motor was the problem, the head moved as smooth as glass.. You just can't second guess a man that knows his job!!

Anyway, I called back right after I checked as he suggested (took about 2-3 minutes to disconnect the belt and check it) I was put in the phone loop, so left a message.. Peck called me back about quarter to four, and confirmed my address, and told me he was shipping out a new motor upgrade overnight (no charge)! .. Now, I'm in Ontario Canada, and he's in Colorado, most overnights from the U.S. take 2 days.. I figured I would have the part by Friday.. At about 11:55 this morning the UPS guy walks into the shop, and hands me a parcel.. My jaw must have hit the floor!! The parts were there, and once I cleared some stuff off my workload, I had the laser up and running with the new parts installed, tested, and working fine in less than 24 hours after Peck called from the service Department!! Even If there was no other reason to buy a Epilog Machine over someone else's, this would have to be the deciding factor.. Absolutely AMAZING service.. I'm a hard guy to empress, but these guys have certainly done it!!