Good point Martin! Get those shots up to date. If we can carry items with us it might be a good idea to take along some antibiotics, and maybe some water purification tablets. There is a great series of books by Diana Gabaldon - yeah, pretty much chick books - about time travel. In the first the main character steps into a circle of standing stones in Scotland mid 1950's I think (it has been a while since I read the series). She is transported to early 18th century Scotland. The author did a great job with historical research so aside from a little mushy romance the series is pretty interesting. There is another character that is initially known in the series as a witch, and is burned at the stake. Just before she is burned she confesses that she is a time traveler and shows her vaccination scar as proof to the main character. So, we're back to what will get you classified as a sorcerer! The thing I really liked about the series from a romance novel aspect is that she didn't "pretty things up" or skip the basic fact that women were mostly unwashed, with hairy armpits, and almost everyone had rotten teeth and bad breath! There were folks walking around everywhere with draining pustules and open sores. Life was basically pretty nasty for the common man. And no, "historical" romance novels are not my only source of information - but they are entertaining reading when I want my mind to slow down so I can sleep!