I have sort of followed the fads. That is, 30 years ago I used white pva, when the yellow came out, I changed to that, then to type II and for special applications epoxy, resorcinol, and polyurethane. Last fall I had an unwelcome chance to evaluate them. all of the furniture that is shown on my oft mentioned web site (eyman.org/furniture) with the exception of the Secretary was in my son's house in New Orleans at the time of the hurricane. While flooding was not an issue half the roof was blown off and not covered at all for 3-4 weeks and not repaired for 3 months. With no heat or A/C the moisture levels must have been horrendous. Plaster came down big time. Yet none of the furniture seems to have been damaged at all. What does this prove? That it doesn't make any difference what kind you use?

The one piece I was most concerned about was the dining table. Its top has no aprons to keep it flat, but it still is flat. Of course that isn't a function of the glue used - just blind luck, I guess. The dining chairs were glued with epoxy for the most part so they were of less concern.